Corn (Maize)

Hello hello! If you're seeing this, you're one of the only people in the world cool enough to know about the finest D&D ripoff ever created, Corn (Maize). While it's likely painfully obvious already, this website is very much a work in progress, but you could perhaps consider this to be the 3rd edition of Corn (Maize)'s rulebook. If it can in any way make navigating the rules a tad easier, then it will have served it purpose. Now, onto the show!

Certain pages may contain sections of blacked out text, like so. See? This is used to denote spoilers, either narrative or mechanical, and should be highlighted and read at your own risk. And some won't in fact have any actual information listed quite yet. Have to have some secrets.

Your Brief Background
Corn is set in the Maize. The Maize is a vast world populated primarily with cornfield. People have cleared fields, built structures, set up civilization, but by and large, it’s still mostly corn. The Maize has gradually been flooded with people from other worlds, awakening there with no recollection of how they ended up in the middle of a damn cornfield. Some of them have brought in new ideas, like Communism, and others have brought in conflict. The Maize is divided somewhat in that there is no real central leadership, rather a variety of monarchs and politicians who choose to acknowledge each other best they can. Political conflict hasn’t broken out in quite a while, but never say never. Ultimately, you’re more likely to come across smaller communities than you are some grand kingdoms, and the atmosphere reflects that.

Your Disclaimers
We’d like to take a moment, before we begin, to acknowledge the fact that this is very clearly just a Dungeons and Dragons rip-off in a coating of homebrew paint. We’re not saying that’s a bad thing, just bringing it up, largely because we’ve changed just enough things that we want to talk about the larger ones here.

Rather than a Dungeon Master, we here at Corn have a Maize Crafter, or MC. Same role, just a different quippy acronym.

Gone are death saving throws. Going below 1 HP will typically result in a strike. 3 strikes and you’re out. This takes the form of the player arriving in the Astral Plane, where they will usually meet a cantankerous Wizard. Other occurrences have been observed, however, and remain a distinct possibility.

We say ‘will typically result in a strike’ in part because fresh to 2.3e is the Intent system. Simply put, you have to actually want somebody dead for them to qualify for a strike, otherwise they’ll just end up unconscious. This applies to both Players and NPCs, so not every fight will hold the risk of striking out.

No such thing as hit dice, since long and short rests have been consolidated into one and the same. Abilities described as usable ‘x times per rest’ can be used at any time, with the limit resetting upon rest. A rest also results in the restoration of all Hit Points and spell slots, when applicable.

Corn only has your character reach a maximum level of 10, with spells only going so far as level 5.

There is a single unit of currency in the Maize, and it's Electrum. We thought it would be funny.

In Testing
You may notice that some race or class features are a tad vague about some things. That’s less deliberate as it is the result of this system being largely untested and in progress. With time those details will be more ironed out, but for now, vagueness. For anything you need to know about more firmly, consult your MC and they’ll do their best to help.

Spell Lists can be found here. You’ll notice, however, that they are currently incomplete. This comes in part from the fact that Wives and Divorced spells are on a player-by-player basis, and in part because Harvester and Sound Tester have also never been employed fully, and we’d like to work with players on just what ends up implemented. As such, if you want to play as any casting class, please chat with your MC about just what kind of magic would come with such a role if you’re interested.

Your links to other pages:
Character Creation

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